Unleashing an AI Powered community to accelerate hiring.

Scalekrut is a marketplace to engage hiring agencies and recruiters to fulfil your talent needs.

Building your team?

Drive better results through an AI crafted job descriptions

Create compelling job descriptions that deliver results and fine tune results

Get a community of recruiters to work on your hire

You are no longer restricted by bandwidth of your hiring team. Engage recruiters at scale to work on your needs

Better matches, lower Cost of Hiring

Bringing a human touch back into recruiting ensures you get first hand feedback from recruiters, and that's over and above the matching from our AI engine.

Get in touch with our rep to understand what this means for your organisation.




Recruiting talent for your clients?

Work with top brands and companies globally

Next to zero sales and marketing cost.

AI Powered matching

Use the power of AI to build pipeline of potential hires. 

Better tracking and management

An inbuilt ATS to power you and your team to better workflow.

Our Valued Clients

Need a demo?

Get in touch with us for a walkthrough of the features and to understand how Scalekrut helps powering up your organisations.

Get in touch

If you have questions or would like to get signed up for Scalekrut, drop us an email to get in touch with you.